
How to Create Captivating Blog Images w/ MidJourney

Does your blog struggle to stand out in a crowd? Sharing the same stock images that appear repeatedly across your industry’s blogs? We understand the struggle. Thankfully, we have an exciting solution.

Midjourney uses artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize the way we create images for blog posts. No longer must you rely on overused and underwhelming visuals; instead, you can create tailored, engaging images that breathe life into your blog and complement your content beautifully.

What’s more, Midjourney also lets you transform existing images. It can adapt your favorite photographs to suit your latest post, maintaining a cohesive aesthetic appeal throughout your blog.

But the benefits of Midjourney aren’t just visual. Unique images can enhance your blog’s search engine optimization (SEO), improving your visibility on search engine results pages. This boost helps attract more visitors to your site, expanding the reach and impact of your content.

What is Midjourney?

Midjourney is a AI tool that can be used to create images from text prompts. Simply type in a description of the image you want, and Midjourney will generate multiple options for you to choose from. The images that Midjourney creates are often stunningly realistic, and they can be used to illustrate any type of blog post.

Benefits of Using Midjourney for Your Blog

  • Distinguish From the Competition: Utilizing MidJourney’s AI-generated images lends a unique visual identity to your blog. The uniqueness and originality of these AI-crafted visuals highlight your content’s distinctiveness in an oversaturated market, reinforcing your blog’s innovative approach.
  • Increase engagement: Visually appealing blog posts are more likely to engage readers. Midjourney can create images that are truly unique and eye-catching. This can help your blog posts to stand out from the crowd and attract more attention.
  • Improve SEO: Leverage Midjourney to create high-quality images, optimizing your blog posts to achieve higher ranks on search engine results pages.
    • Boost Click-Through Rate (CTR): In addition to textual content, images enhance the visual appeal of your listing on search result pages, increasing the likelihood of clicks and thereby improving your rankings.
    • Image Alt text is a description of an image included in your site’s HTML. It not only helps search engines comprehend the image content but also improves your site’s accessibility for users with screen readers. Remember to incorporate relevant keywords without compromising the accuracy of the image description.
    • Image caption: Though not as critical as alt text, image captions can be crawled by search engines, and thus, they can help with keyword optimization.

How to Use MidJourney for Creating Blog Images

Setting up your MidJourney account: To create a Midjourney account, you need to Have a Discord account. Midjourney is currently only accessible through Discord.

1. Log into your discord account and join Midjourney Server

2. Choose a plan

3. Go to any #General or #Newbie Channel

Learn more: Midjourney Quick Start Guide

4. Navigating through the MidJourney Discord

Use /imagine to generate an image using a prompt


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Now, you can continue to use Midjourney Bot in private.

Basic Commands

  • /ask Get an answer to a question.
  • /blend Easily blend two images together.
  • /daily_theme Toggle notification pings for the #daily-theme channel update
  • /docs Use in the official Midjourney Discord server to quickly generate a link to topics covered in this user guide!
  • /describe Writes four example prompts based on an image you upload.
  • /faq Use in the official Midjourney Discord server to quickly generate a link to popular prompt craft channel FAQs.
  • /fast Switch to Fast mode.
  • /help Shows helpful basic information and tips about the Midjourney Bot.
  • /info View information about your account and any queued or running jobs.
  • /stealth For Pro Plan Subscribers: switch to Stealth Mode
  • /public For Pro Plan Subscribers: switch to Public Mode
  • /subscribe Generate a personal link for a user’s account page.
  • /settings View and adjust the Midjourney Bot’s settings
  • /prefer option Create or manage a custom option.
  • /prefer option list View your current custom options.
  • /prefer suffix Specify a suffix to add to the end of every prompt.
  • /show Use an images Job ID to regenerate the Job within Discord.
  • /relax Switch to Relax mode.
  • /remix Toggle Remix mode.
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Basic Parameters

–aspect, or –ar Change the aspect ratio of a generation.

  • Chaos –chaos <number 0–100> Change how varied the results will be. Higher values produce more unusual and unexpected generations.
  • Image Weight –iw <0–2> Sets image prompt weight relative to text weight. The default value is 1.
  • No –no Negative prompting, –no plants would try to remove plants from the image.
  • Quality –quality <.25, .5, or 1>, or –q <.25, .5, or 1> How much rendering quality time you want to spend. The default value is 1. Higher values use more GPU minutes; lower values use less.
  • Repeat –repeat <1–40>, or –r <1–40> Create multiple Jobs from a single prompt. –repeat is useful for quickly rerunning a job multiple times.
  • Seed –seed <integer between 0–4294967295> The Midjourney bot uses a seed number to create a field of visual noise, like television static, as a starting point to generate the initial image grids. Seed numbers are generated randomly for each image but can be specified with the –seed or –sameseed parameter. Using the same seed number and prompt will produce similar ending images.
  • Stop –stop <integer between 10–100> Use the –stop parameter to finish a Job partway through the process. Stopping a Job at an earlier percentage can create blurrier, less detailed results.
  • Style –style <raw> Switch between versions of the Midjourney Model Version 5.1. –style <4a, 4b, or 4c> Switch between versions of the Midjourney Model Version 4. –style <cute, expressive, original, or scenic> Switch between versions of the Niji Model Version 5.
  • Stylize –stylize <number>, or –s <number> parameter influences how strongly Midjourney’s default aesthetic style is applied to Jobs.
  • Tile –tile parameter generates images that can be used as repeating tiles to create seamless patterns.
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The U1 and V1 buttons in Midjourney mean upscale and variants respectively. The number indicates which one of the four images you’d like to either upscale or generate variants of.

Learn more: Midjourney Discord Interface

Tips and Tricks to Improve Your MidJourney Designs

  • Anything unmentioned will be subject to randomization and may lead to unexpected outcomes.
  • Try to be clear about any context or details that are important to you.
  • Try invoking unique artists to get a unique style 
  • Speak in positives. Avoid negatives.
  • If you want a specific composition, say so! (portrait, headshot, ultrawide shot, extreme closeup, macro shot, an expansive view of)
  • Too many small details may overwhelm the system (Avoid: “A dog on a skateboard doing a kickflip over a rainbow”, Go for: “A skateboarding dog with a vibrant arch of colors in the background.”)
  • Try to use singular nouns or specific numbers (Avoid: “space cowboys”, Go for: “space cowboy squadron” (suggests a group photo))
  • Avoid concepts that involve significant extrapolation 

Other Resources:

A few images created for SaaS-HQ:

Now, we pass the baton to you, dare to create & innovate with Midjourney.

Article by

Federico Martene

Federico Martene is a SaaS enthusiast; his interests lie at the intersection of business and technology, focusing on project and product management. Federico aims to contribute meaningfully to the SaaS landscape.