Agile Values

What are Agile Values?

Agile Values are guiding principles for developing software that prioritizes people, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change.

Detailed Explanation

The Agile Values come from the Agile Manifesto, a document created by software developers to describe a more flexible, customer-focused approach to development. The values are:

  1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  2. Working software over comprehensive documentation
  3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  4. Responding to change over following a plan
Agile Values
The Agile Values focus on people, working software, customer collaboration, and flexibility. Source:

SaaS Examples

For a SaaS company, these values might mean having regular communication between developers and customers to ensure the software meets the customers’ needs. It might also mean being ready to adapt the product quickly in response to new market trends or customer feedback.

Why Agile Values Matter

Adopting Agile Values can help SaaS companies deliver better software faster. They promote a customer-centric approach, ensuring your product meets customer needs. The emphasis on flexibility also makes it easier to adapt to changes, which is crucial in the rapidly evolving SaaS industry.

Potential Misunderstandings

A common misconception about Agile Values is that they completely disregard processes, documentation, contracts, and plans. In reality, while the Agile Values prioritize individuals, working software, customer collaboration, and flexibility, they do not eliminate the need for the other components—they just take a secondary position.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Agile Values be applied to non-software projects?

Yes, while Agile Values originated in software development, their focus on individuals, working products, customer collaboration, and adaptability can be beneficial in many project contexts.

Is Agile the same as Scrum?

No, Agile is a set of values and principles, while Scrum is a specific framework for implementing those principles. There are other Agile frameworks besides Scrum, like Kanban and Lean.

How do Agile Values affect company culture?

Adopting Agile Values often leads to a more collaborative and adaptive culture. Teams are encouraged to communicate openly, work closely with customers, and be ready to change direction based on feedback or new information.