SaaS Glossary

Check out our glossary of common SaaS terms and definitions.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Symbols & Numbers

2x2 Prioritization Matrix

What is a 2×2 Prioritization Matrix? A 2×2 Prioritization Matrix is a decision-making tool used to evaluate and prioritize tasks or projects based on two dimensions of value and effort. Detailed Explanation The 2×2 Prioritization Matrix is a graphical tool that allows teams to make strategic decisions about where to focus their effort. The matrix…

5 Ws and H

What are the 5 Ws and H? The 5 Ws and H are questions: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. Detailed Explanation The 5 Ws and H stand for Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. It’s a method of asking questions about a certain topic to gather complete information. It’s like when you…


Action Priority Matrix

What is the Action Priority Matrix? The Action Priority Matrix is a simple tool that helps you decide which tasks deserve your attention first. Detailed Explanation The Action Priority Matrix divides tasks into four categories based on their impact and effort: Quick Wins, Major Projects, Fill-Ins, and Thankless Tasks. This allows you to easily visualize…


What is Agile? Agile is like building a lego castle. You add blocks piece by piece, make changes along the way, and adapt your design based on what you see. Detailed Explanation Agile is a project management and product development approach that prioritizes flexibility and collaboration. It involves breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable parts…

Agile Epic

What is an Agile Epic? An Agile Epic is a large body of work that can be broken down into smaller tasks, called stories, in Agile project management. Detailed Explanation An Agile Epic is a large body of work that can be broken down into smaller tasks, called user stories, in Agile project management. For…

Agile Framework

What is an Agile Framework? Agile Framework is a structured way to solve problems in software development. It helps teams to work together more effectively, adapt to changes quickly, and continuously improve their work. It’s like a game plan that keeps everyone on the same page and makes work more efficient. Detailed Explanation In the…

Agile Manifesto

What is the Agile Manifesto? The Agile Manifesto is a document that articulates the key values and principles underpinning agile software development. It emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and customer satisfaction. Detailed Explanation The Agile Manifesto was penned by a group of software developers in 2001 and it had a profound effect on software development methodologies. It…

Agile Values

What are Agile Values? Agile Values are guiding principles for developing software that prioritizes people, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change. Detailed Explanation The Agile Values come from the Agile Manifesto, a document created by software developers to describe a more flexible, customer-focused approach to development. The values are: SaaS Examples For a…

Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR)

What is Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR)? Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) is the value of the contracted recurring revenue components of your subscriptions normalized to a one-year period. Detailed Explanation ARR is a key metric used by SaaS or subscription businesses that have Term subscription agreements, usually a year or more. ARR is a snapshot of…



What is Bootstrapped? Bootstrapped refers to a scenario where an entrepreneur or company launches a business using their own funds, rather than relying on external capital. Detailed Explanation In the context of SaaS, bootstrapping involves building a company from the ground up through personal savings and the revenue it generates, instead of seeking external funding…

Break-even point

What is the Break-even Point? In the simplest terms, the Break-even Point refers to the point where total costs (both fixed and variable) equal total revenue. Detailed Explanation In the SaaS context, the Break-even Point is reached when the total earnings from a product or service match the total expenses incurred for its development, marketing,…

Burn Rate

What is Burn Rate? Burn Rate is the rate at which a company is spending its capital to run its day-to-day operations. Detailed Explanation In the context of SaaS businesses, the Burn Rate refers to the rate at which these companies consume their financial resources, especially venture capital, in the absence of positive cash flow.…

Business Development Representative (BDR)

What is a Business Development Representative (BDR)? A Business Development Representative (BDR) is a professional responsible for identifying new business opportunities and expanding the customer base for the company. Detailed Explanation In a SaaS environment, a BDR is often the first point of contact for potential customers. They are involved in many initial outreach activities,…

Business Intelligence (BI)

What is Business Intelligence? Imagine if you had the superpower to make the best decisions because you knew everything about your business. That’s what Business Intelligence is like! Detailed Explanation Business Intelligence (BI) involves using tools, applications, and practices to collect, integrate, analyze, and present business information. It’s like having a magical telescope that helps…

Buyer Persona

What is a Buyer Persona? A Buyer Persona is an imaginary customer who wants to buy your product. Detailed Explanation In the world of SaaS, a Buyer Persona is a detailed, fictional character that represents your ideal customer. This character is based on research and real data about your existing customers. It includes details like…



What is Churn? Churn, in the context of a SaaS business, refers to the rate at which customers stop doing business with a particular company or subscription service over a given period. Detailed Explanation Churn rate is a crucial metric in the SaaS world as it directly impacts the company’s recurring revenue. It’s calculated by…

Churn Rate

What is Churn Rate? Churn Rate is the percentage of subscribers to a service who discontinue their subscriptions within a given time period. Detailed Explanation For a SaaS business, churn rate is the measure of the number of individuals or items moving out of a collective group over a specific period. It is often used…


What is Cohorts? A Cohort refers to a group of users who share a common characteristic within a defined period. Detailed Explanation Cohorts refer to a group of users who share a common characteristic within a defined period. In the context of SaaS, cohorts are often used in cohort analysis to track and understand user…

Cost per MQL

What is Cost per MQL? Cost per MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead) is a metric that calculates the average cost incurred to acquire a lead that is deemed likely to become a customer. Detailed Explanation In the SaaS industry, the Cost per MQL is calculated by dividing the total marketing spend by the number of Marketing…

Crystal Agile Framework

What is Crystal Agile Framework? Crystal Agile Framework is a lightweight, adaptable approach to software development that values individuals and interactions over processes and tools. Detailed Explanation The Crystal Agile Framework, developed by Alistair Cockburn, is one of the simplest and most lightweight methodologies for software development. It focuses on individuals and their interactions, rather…

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

What is Customer Acquisition Cost? Think of Customer Acquisition Cost as the money you need to spend to get a new Customer. Detailed Explanation Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) in SaaS is the total amount of money spent to gain a new customer. This includes expenses for marketing, sales, software, salaries, and more. For example, if…

Customer Empathy

What is Customer Empathy? Customer Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings or experiences of a customer. Detailed Explanation Customer Empathy in the context of SaaS involves genuinely understanding the customer’s needs, pain points, and experiences to improve the software solution. It is not merely about acknowledging the customer’s issues but being…

Customer Experience (CX)

What is Customer Experience? Customer Experience is like going to a fun party where you feel special and everything you need is taken care of even before you ask! Detailed Explanation Customer Experience (CX) in the SaaS world refers to how a customer feels about a company based on their interaction with its software product,…

Customer Journey Map

What is a Customer Journey Map? A Customer Journey Map is a visual representation of a customer’s experience with a product or service from the initial contact through the process of engagement and into a long-term relationship. Detailed Explanation Customer Journey Maps give businesses a way of getting into their customers’ heads, helping them gain…

Customer lifecycle management

What is Customer Lifecycle Management? Customer Lifecycle Management (CLM) is the process of managing and optimizing customer experiences throughout their lifecycle with your SaaS product. Detailed Explanation Customer Lifecycle Management (CLM) is a strategic process in SaaS that guides customers through different stages of their journey with the product, including onboarding, adoption, retention, and expansion.…

Customer relationship management (CRM)

What is Customer Relationship Management (CRM)? Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategy and technology used by companies to manage and improve their relationships with customers. Detailed Explanation CRM, in the context of SaaS, involves using software to automate, organize, and synchronize sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support. It collects customer interactions across various…

Customer Retention Cost (CRC)

What is Customer Retention Cost (CRC)? Customer Retention Cost (CRC) is the amount of money a company spends to retain an existing customer. Detailed Explanation For a SaaS company, CRC includes costs related to marketing, support, product updates, and any other expenditures incurred to keep customers from canceling their subscriptions. It’s calculated by dividing the…

Customer Retention Rate (CRR)

What is Customer Retention Rate (CRR)? Customer Retention Rate (CRR) is the percentage of customers a company retains over a given period. Detailed Explanation In a SaaS context, CRR is crucial as it reflects how successfully a company maintains its customer base. It’s calculated by dividing the number of customers at the end of a…



What is Documentation? Documentation refers to comprehensive information that explains how a product works and how to use it. Detailed Explanation In the SaaS industry, documentation typically includes user manuals, API guides, troubleshooting instructions, and FAQs among others. It can serve a range of purposes such as onboarding new users, assisting in troubleshooting, or providing…


Free-to-Paid Conversion Rate

What is Free-to-Paid Conversion Rate? The Free-to-Paid Conversion Rate is the percentage of free users or trial users who become paid customers. Detailed Explanation In the SaaS industry, many businesses offer free trials or freemium products to attract users. The Free-to-Paid Conversion Rate measures how effective these strategies are at turning free users into paid…


What is Freemium? Freemium is a business model where basic services are provided free of charge, while more advanced features must be paid for. Detailed Explanation In the SaaS world, the freemium model allows users to access a stripped-down version of the software for free, offering additional functionalities or features at a premium cost. A…


Gantt Chart

What is a Gantt Chart? A Gantt Chart is a visual representation tool for scheduling tasks over time, often used in project management. Detailed Explanation Gantt Charts are graphical representations of a project timeline that visualize the start, end, and duration of tasks, as well as their dependencies. The horizontal axis represents time, while the…

Go To Market Strategy

What is Go To Market Strategy? A Go To Market Strategy (GTM) is a plan that outlines how a company will sell its products or services to customers. Detailed Explanation For SaaS businesses, a Go To Market Strategy typically includes details about the target audience, the unique value proposition of the product, and the sales…

Growth Efficiency Index (GEI)

What is Growth Efficiency Index (GEI)? The Growth Efficiency Index (GEI) is a metric that measures the effectiveness of a SaaS company’s growth strategy by comparing revenue growth to expense growth. Detailed Explanation The Growth Efficiency Index (GEI) in SaaS measures how effectively a company is growing in relation to its spending. It is calculated…


Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

What is an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)? An Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) is a detailed description of a company’s most valuable potential customers. Detailed Explanation In the SaaS industry, an ICP refers to the hypothetical organization that would get the most value from a company’s product and is thus most likely to remain a loyal…

Incremental Innovation

What is Incremental Innovation? Incremental Innovation refers to the process of making small, ongoing improvements to a company’s existing products, services, or processes. Detailed Explanation Incremental Innovation is about refining, enhancing, and extending existing processes and product lines, instead of introducing entirely new ones. It is a gradual, evolutionary approach that involves making regular updates…


Kanban Board

What is a Kanban Board? A Kanban Board is a visual tool that enables teams to manage workflow efficiently. Detailed Explanation Kanban Boards originated in Toyota’s manufacturing system but have since been adapted for various fields including software development. It uses cards and columns to represent tasks and stages of a process respectively. The board…

Kano Model

What is the Kano Model? The Kano Model is a theory for product development and customer satisfaction that classifies customer preferences into five categories. Detailed Explanation Developed by Professor Noriaki Kano in the 80s, the Kano Model helps businesses understand how to improve their product by providing a framework for customer satisfaction. The model categorizes…

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

What is Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)? Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are measurable values that demonstrate how effectively a company is achieving its key business objectives. Detailed Explanation In a SaaS context, KPIs help measure the success of various activities related to the business. These can include Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR), and…


Lean Software Development

What is Lean Software Development? Lean Software Development is an agile project management framework that optimizes efficiency and minimizes waste in software development processes. Detailed Explanation Lean Software Development provides a strategic advantage. It allows teams to rapidly adapt to changes, reduces wasted resources, and accelerates product delivery. This is similar to the benefits provided…

Lifetime Value

What is Lifetime Value? Lifetime Value (LTV) represents the total revenue a business expects from a single customer over the length of their relationship. Detailed Explanation LTV is a prediction of the net profit attributed to the entire future relationship with a customer. It’s especially pertinent in SaaS where businesses operate on a subscription model.…


Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)

What is a Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)? A Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) is a lead judged more likely to become a customer compared to other leads based on lead intelligence, usually conveyed by closed-loop analytics. Detailed Explanation In the SaaS ecosystem, MQLs are potential customers who have shown interest in a company’s product or service…

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

What is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)? A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a version of a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers and provide feedback for future development. Detailed Explanation In SaaS, an MVP is the simplest version of the software that provides value to its users and gives feedback for…

Moment of truth

What is the Moment of Truth? The Moment of Truth refers to a critical instance when a customer interacts with a brand or product and forms an impression about it. Detailed Explanation In the context of SaaS, Moments of Truth can occur during various stages of the customer journey. It could be the first interaction…

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

What is Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)? Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) is the predictable revenue that a SaaS business can expect to receive every month. Detailed Explanation MRR is a measure of the predictable and recurring revenue components of your subscription business. It excludes one-time and variable fees. For a SaaS business, MRR is a key…

MQL to SAL Conversion Rate

What is MQL to SAL Conversion Rate? MQL to SAL Conversion Rate is the ratio of Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) that become Sales Accepted Leads (SALs). It provides insights into the efficiency of the transition from marketing to sales. Detailed Explanation MQL to SAL Conversion Rate is calculated by dividing the number of SALs by…


Net Promoter Score (NPS)

What is Net Promoter Score? Net Promoter Score is like a happiness meter for your customers. Detailed Explanation Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a measure that businesses use to understand their customers’ happiness. It’s like asking your customers a simple question: “Would you tell your friends to use our product?” They answer on a scale…


Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

What is Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)? Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) is a goal-setting framework that helps businesses set ambitious goals with measurable outcomes. Detailed Explanation OKR is a collaborative goal-setting tool used by teams and individuals to set challenging, ambitious goals with measurable results. It consists of an Objective, a clearly defined goal,…


What is Onboarding? Onboarding refers to the process by which new users learn to use a product or service effectively. Detailed Explanation Onboarding is crucial in the SaaS industry as it is the first real interaction a customer has with the product. It usually involves a structured pathway or tutorial that educates the new user…


Pricing Model

What is a Pricing Model? A Pricing Model is a strategic approach that a business takes to price its products or services. Detailed Explanation In the context of SaaS, Pricing Models refer to the strategy that software-as-a-service companies use to charge for their products. The most common examples include flat-rate, per-user (also known as seat-based),…

Product Designer

What is a Product Designer? A Product Designer is someone who designs the user interface and experience of a product, typically a digital product like a software application. Detailed Explanation In a SaaS context, a Product Designer plays a critical role in making sure the software is not just functional, but also intuitive and user-friendly.…

Product Lifecycle

What is a Product Lifecycle? A Product Lifecycle refers to the series of stages a product goes through from conception and design to withdrawal or discontinuation. Detailed Explanation Product Lifecycle encompasses four main phases: Not all products will go through each stage sequentially or spend the same amount of time in each stage. Some may…

Product Market Fit

What is Product Market Fit? Product-market fit is a concept that describes the point at which a product satisfies a strong market demand. It’s the stage at which a product’s capabilities align well with customer needs, and the product starts to sell itself because of organic demand in the marketplace. Detailed Explanation In the SaaS…

Product Portfolio Manager

What is a Product Portfolio Manager? A Product Portfolio Manager is like a captain steering a fleet of ships, where each ship is a product in a company. Detailed Explanation In the SaaS world, a Product Portfolio Manager is responsible for overseeing a collection of products within a company. Just like a captain, they need…

Product Positioning

What is Product Positioning? Product positioning in the Software as a Service (SaaS) industry refers to how a company presents its software solution to the market to make it stand out from competitors. It’s the way the company wants the target customers to perceive the product regarding its features, benefits, quality, and its place relative…

Product Roadmap

What is a Product Roadmap? A Product Roadmap is a strategic document outlining the vision, direction, and progress of a product over time. Detailed Explanation A Product Roadmap serves as a guiding tool for stakeholders in a SaaS business. It clearly illustrates the strategic plan and high-level objectives of the product, encompassing features to be…

Project Manager

What is a Project Manager? A Project Manager is a professional responsible for planning, executing, and overseeing the completion of projects, ensuring they meet the stated goals within the given constraints. Detailed Explanation Project Managers are the linchpins of any project. They act as the bridge between different stakeholders – be it team members, executives,…

Project Roadmap

What is a Project Roadmap? A Project Roadmap is like a treasure map for a project. It shows the steps needed to reach the treasure, which is the project’s goal. Detailed Explanation In the SaaS world, a Project Roadmap is a strategic document that outlines the goals, timeline, and steps of a project, showing the…


Rapid Prototyping

What is Rapid Prototyping? Rapid Prototyping is a process in which software application prototypes are quickly put together for demonstration, testing, and user feedback. Detailed Explanation Rapid Prototyping is a design workflow that involves producing prototypes of software applications to illustrate an idea or concept. These prototypes, while not complete, are enough to demonstrate functionality,…


What is Retention? Retention is like having a best friend who loves to come to your house every day. In the SaaS world, it means customers keep using a service regularly. Detailed Explanation “In SaaS, retention refers to the ability of a company to keep its customers over a period of time. It’s measured by…

Retention Rate

What is Retention Rate? Retention Rate is the percentage of customers a company retains over a given period without including new customers. Detailed Explanation In the context of SaaS, Retention Rate is an essential metric to understand how effectively the service manages to keep its existing customers. It’s calculated by taking the number of customers…


What is a Retrospective? In the SaaS context, a Retrospective is a meeting held after a project or sprint completion to review what went well, what didn’t, and what can be improved next time. Detailed Explanation Retrospectives provide a safe space for team members to share their experiences, ideas, and concerns. They encourage continuous learning…

Revenue Recognition

What is Revenue Recognition? Revenue Recognition is the financial principle that determines the conditions under which income becomes realized as revenue. Detailed Explanation For SaaS companies, revenue recognition is typically spread out over the life of the subscription. For instance, in a subscription model, if a customer pays $1200 for a one-year subscription, instead of…


SaaS Quick Ratio

What is SaaS Quick Ratio? The SaaS Quick Ratio is a measure of a SaaS company’s growth efficiency by comparing its rate of growth to its rate of churn. Detailed Explanation In SaaS businesses, the Quick Ratio measures the proportion of growth (new MRR and expansion MRR) to churn (contraction MRR and churned MRR). A…

SaaS Runway

What is SaaS Runway? SaaS Runway refers to the estimated time that a SaaS (Software as a Service) company can operate using its current financial resources, without needing additional funding or revenue. Detailed Explanation The SaaS Runway is a prediction based on the current cash burn rate. If a company’s expenses exceed its income, the…

SAL to SQL Conversion Rate

What is SAL to SQL Conversion Rate? SAL to SQL Conversion Rate is the ratio of Sales Accepted Leads (SALs) that advance to the stage of Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs). It’s a key indicator of sales team efficiency and lead qualification process. Detailed Explanation The SAL to SQL Conversion Rate is calculated by dividing the…

Sales Accepted Leads (SAL)

What is a Sales Accepted Lead (SAL)? A Sales Accepted Lead (SAL) is a marketing qualified lead (MQL) that the sales team has accepted as worthy of a direct sales follow-up. Detailed Explanation In the SaaS world, SALs are leads that have passed the Marketing Qualified lead phase, indicating a higher level of interest in…

Sales Development Representative (SDR)

What is a Sales Development Representative (SDR)? A Sales Development Representative (SDR) is a professional who focuses on outbound prospecting to generate and qualify leads for the sales team. Detailed Explanation In SaaS companies, SDRs primarily focus on reaching out to potential customers through various channels such as emails, calls, and social media. Their job…

Sales Engineer

What is a Sales Engineer? A Sales Engineer is a technical professional within a company who specializes in understanding and presenting a product’s technical aspects to clients and stakeholders. Detailed Explanation In the SaaS industry, a Sales Engineer often plays the role of a bridge between the development teams and the customers. They possess a…

Sales Funnel

What is a Sales Funnel? A Sales Funnel is a visual representation of the journey customers go through from their first interaction with your brand to the final purchase in a SaaS environment. Detailed Explanation The Sales Funnel illustrates the phases of a customer’s journey with a SaaS company: Awareness, Interest, Decision, and Action. Each…

Sales Opportunity

What is a Sales Opportunity? A Sales Opportunity is a qualified prospective customer who has shown potential interest in your product or service and is moving towards making a purchase decision. Detailed Explanation In the context of a SaaS business, a Sales Opportunity represents a potential sales deal. These are Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) who…

Sales Pipeline

What is a Sales Pipeline? A Sales Pipeline is a visual representation of the sales process, divided into stages from the initial lead generation to the final sale. Detailed Explanation In SaaS businesses, the Sales Pipeline provides an overview of where potential customers are in the purchasing journey. It often includes stages like lead generation,…

Sales Qualified Lead (SQL)

What is a Sales Qualified Lead (SQL)? A Sales Qualified Lead (SQL) is a prospective customer that has been researched and vetted — first by an organization’s marketing department, and then by its sales team — and is deemed ready for the next stage in the sales process. Detailed Explanation In a SaaS business model,…

Sales Velocity

What is Sales Velocity? Sales Velocity is a measure of how quickly deals are moving through a company’s sales pipeline. It provides insights into how much revenue a company can expect within a certain timeframe. Detailed Explanation Sales Velocity is calculated by multiplying the number of opportunities (qualified leads in your pipeline), average deal size…

Scrum Agile Framework

What is Scrum Agile Framework? Scrum Agile Framework is a methodology designed to promote iterative and incremental project management, focusing on delivering value in the shortest time. Detailed Explanation The Scrum Agile Framework is an Agile methodology that breaks projects into small, manageable chunks called sprints. Each sprint is typically a two-week period where a…

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

What is a Service Level Agreement (SLA)? A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a contractual commitment between a service provider and a client specifying the standards and expectations for the service provided. Detailed Explanation In the SaaS world, an SLA typically includes details on the quality, availability, and responsibilities of the service. It often outlines…

Serviceable Available Market (SAM)

What is Serviceable Available Market (SAM)? Serviceable Available Market, or SAM, is the portion of the total market that a company can realistically serve based on its product, technology, and geographic constraints. Detailed Explanation SAM is a subset of the Total Available Market (TAM) and is the market that can actually be reached by a…

Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM)

What is Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM)? Serviceable Obtainable Market, or SOM, is the portion of the Serviceable Available Market (SAM) that a company can realistically capture in the short to medium term. Detailed Explanation SOM is the segment of SAM that a company can reach and obtain within its operating constraints, which may include factors…

Sprint Backlog

What is a Sprint Backlog? A Sprint Backlog is a list of tasks selected for completion during an upcoming Sprint in Scrum methodology. Detailed Explanation A Sprint Backlog comes into play within the Scrum framework of Agile project management. It’s a subset of the Product Backlog, comprising specific tasks chosen for the next Sprint. These…

Sprint Planning

What is Sprint Planning? Sprint Planning is an event in the Scrum framework where the team determines the product backlog items they will work on during that sprint and discusses their initial plan for completing those product backlog items. Detailed Explanation Sprint Planning is a key activity in Scrum, which is one of the Agile…


What is a Standup? A standup is a quick team meeting where everyone gets to say what they’re working on. Detailed Explanation A standup, also known as a standup meeting or daily scrum, is a short meeting that agile teams often use to sync on their work. This practice is a fundamental part of the…

Subscription Model

What is the Subscription Model? The Subscription Model is a business strategy where customers pay a recurring price at regular intervals to access a product or service. Detailed Explanation In the SaaS realm, the subscription model is the prevailing pricing strategy, often contrasted with the Freemium Model. Customers typically pay a monthly or annual fee,…

SWOT Analysis

What is SWOT Analysis? SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning technique used to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in a business or project. Detailed Explanation SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It’s a framework that helps businesses evaluate their position in the market and formulate strategic plans. In the SaaS space, a…



What is T2D3? T2D3, or Triple, Triple, Double, Double, Double, is a growth strategy pattern commonly adopted by SaaS businesses. Detailed Explanation T2D3 stands for ‘Triple, Triple, Double, Double, Double,’ outlining a pattern of revenue growth for SaaS companies. The model suggests a company should triple its revenue for two consecutive years, then double it…

Technical Debt

What is Technical Debt? Technical Debt refers to the additional development work that arises when code that is easy to implement in the short run is used instead of applying the best overall solution. Detailed Explanation Technical Debt is a concept in software development that reflects the implied cost of reworking caused by choosing an…

Time to Go Live (TGL)

What is Time to Go Live (TGL)? Time to Go Live (TGL) is the duration from when a software or system is implemented until it becomes fully operational and accessible to users. Detailed Explanation In the context of SaaS, TGL refers to the span from the moment a new software application or feature is implemented…

Time to Grow (TTG)

What is Time to Grow (TTG)? Time to Grow (TTG) is the period needed for a SaaS product to expand its user base and influence in the market after its initial launch. Detailed Explanation In the SaaS landscape, TTG refers to the time it takes for a software product to scale and achieve substantial growth…

Time to Value (TTV)

What is Time to Value (TTV)? Time to Value (TTV) is the time taken for a customer to realize the value or gain a benefit from a product or service after purchasing it. Detailed Explanation In SaaS, TTV represents the period from when a customer starts using a software or service to when they start…

Top Down Product Strategy

What is Top Down Product Strategy? Top Down Product Strategy is an approach to product development where the strategy is set at the top level and then trickled down to the team level. Detailed Explanation In the SaaS context, a Top Down Product Strategy usually involves the executives or top management forming the overall product…

Total Addressable Market (TAM)

What is Total Addressable Market? Total Addressable Market, often abbreviated as TAM, is the total market demand for a product or service. Detailed Explanation TAM represents the potential revenue opportunity for a product or service, assuming 100% market share. In the SaaS world, for instance, if there were 1,000 businesses that could use your software,…


User Experience (ux)

What is User Experience? User Experience, or UX, is how someone feels when they use a product, like a website or app. Detailed Explanation User Experience (UX) is all about the feelings a user has when interacting with a product, system, or service. This includes the ease of use, the perception of value, utility, and…

User Persona

What is User Persona? Imagine if we created a pretend friend who likes the same things our ideal customer likes. That’s a User Persona! Detailed Explanation A User Persona, sometimes also called a customer or audience persona, is a detailed description of a fictitious person who represents a user group of our products or services.…

User Story

What is a User Story? A User Story is a simple description of a software feature from an end user’s perspective. Detailed Explanation User Stories are concise, straightforward descriptions of a feature told from the perspective of the person who desires the new capability, usually a user or customer of the system. They typically follow…


Value Proposition

What is a Value Proposition? Imagine you’re selling lemonade. A Value Proposition is like telling people why they should buy your lemonade and not someone else’s. Maybe your lemonade is sweeter, or you offer a fun straw with every cup. Detailed Explanation In SaaS, a Value Proposition is a statement that clearly explains the unique…

Value vs Complexity

What is Value vs Complexity? Value vs Complexity is a method used to evaluate the worth of a project or feature against its complexity or difficulty to implement. Detailed Explanation The Value vs Complexity method helps in the prioritization of tasks, especially in the SaaS industry where product development decisions are vital. A high-value, low-complexity…